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What Low-Grade Chaos Is Costing You

Sep 01, 2024

It wasn't until I was in therapy in 2014 that I learned that an environment of chaos or drama could technically be soothing. Anything can be soothing if we're used to it: a relationship in which there is a trauma bond or in which you're used to having to be perfect to be loved, or that being treated poorly is what feels comforting because it's a familiarity from childhood. This could also be a work environment in which you are made to feel that being treated secondary is the cost of admission because your position could otherwise be threatened - and instead of being valued for what you bring to the table, you're made to feel lucky to be treated less than so that you can remain there. Chaos and abuse can be soothing because of its familiarity. It doesn't even have to be chaos or abuse, it can simply be being in an environment that no longer serves you that's causing you to feel unwell, but that you're tolerating, at least temporarily until there's a solution. As with everything, a pattern can be broken and can be made different. You have the power to change.

I want you to ask yourself if there's an area of your life in which you allow or evoke more chaos than required or an element of drama which is not necessary. I can't even think of the things that would evoke chaos in this moment because I have strove for so long to create calm in my life. I have, however, year back, found solace in chaotic environments because that's what I knew - until my nervous system burnt out. As humans, we can take A LOT before we reach a breaking point. For me, it wasn't until I was recovering from my car accident, living with long post concussion symptoms and post traumatic stress that I realized the environment I was living in was just too chaotic for my taxed nervous system to endure. 

Let me remind you that a full plate, full schedule, and a home brimming with people, obligations and activities isn't necessarily negative chaos, it's just - a lot to manage. Of course many experiences and perceptions can be associated with any one word, as we all interpret and experience things differently. 

The real point of bringing this topic to your attention is having you examine your own home and work situation, and family and friendships, and take a step back with a bird's eye view on where a bit more harmony can be created vs living in a path where you feel like your head is just above water with no end in sight. 

 I'm asking you to examine your situation because it's easy to become hypnotized by our current situation. As I mentioned in the first paragraph, chaos and drama can become soothing, because that's a known familiarity in our world and environment and perhaps something we've unconsciously accepted. The thing is, we can accept or reject anything in our life - and alchemize and change it. Everything is energy. Everything is a choice. You set the temperature for how everything and everyone responds in your world. Change your vibration, change the responses. I'm not saying it's not going to take work and a conscious choice. What I will say though, is transmutation of any situation is possible. And soon, you will not wish to engage in, live in, work in, or be a part of any chaotic situation, dynamic or relationship. 

The reason I'm drawing your attention to your environment is because it makes up for your health in such a significant way - and so many times we can 'just be strong' and 'just push through' without realizing how much compounding harm whatever it is, is causing us - until it's too late. Think: hanging onto weight in parts of your body you may not want to, hormonal acne, losing hair, mood imbalance, poor sleep, hormones that are running wild, skin that has no life in it, the inability to really use your voice and express yourself - and the list goes on.

My wish for you is confidence, freedom and OPTIMAL HEALTH; all of it with ease. This isn't the blog post I thought I would be sharing today, but it's the one that came through - so someone, if not many of you, aren't meant to hear it today. 

If you want to see what I looked like when I was living in chaos vs calm, head to my Instagram highlights START HERE and you will see a before and after. I've shared one here, but there's way more there. In any event, if you want to break free of any pattern that's holding you back - and step into confidence, clarity and whole body healing, join me in 100 Days. Learn more here - and apply below. We start soon! It's going to be an incredible end to this year and start to the next one. Much love. Thank you for reading this. I hope it helps in some way.  

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