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100 Days

Aug 27, 2024

How all good things happen, so has this. I was going to down a gratitude rabbit hole today thinking back to 10 years ago. I decided in August of 2014 that I wanted my work to be location independent. I actually decided this in 2010 but didn't act upon it until much later. Jenny Sansouci of the blog Healthy Crush was the one who really inspired me to just write. I had a blog up until I changed a few things in my life and business in 2023 at which point I started a fresh. Tim Ferriss was the person who inspired location independence prior to me finding Jenny. And, Carrie Anne James of French Is Beautiful was the one who inspired me (also in 2014) to be a coach and course creator. Fast forward, I'm writing this blog post in the south of France (with St. Barthelemy as my primary residence) and I am going into year 8 coaching as my profession. 

Why am I sharing this with you? As humans, the point of life is bringing meaning through self discovery and connection, breakthrough, healing, and love to the surface and through all of us. This allows us to remember who we are and show up like it, which ultimately has us feel better in our body and our mind: happy, at peace, contented. In the spirit of being contented, I'm getting back to writing. Honestly, a call from God this morning shone light on this which then guided me to visit Jenny's blog where her 100 day blogging challenge (from years back) stood out to me. All she did was post consistently for 100 days. I am absolutely in for this - doing something meaningful for 100 days that will ultimately transform me. Will you join me?

I'm giving you the chance and option to be coached by me 1:1 and in a group setting where you can learn to capitalize on something you really want to create - across 100 days. 

Can I safely say "big things" are achievable in 100 days? YES. I repeatedly create big things in short amounts of time, and I've also done this being coached by some of the best. I.e. Jesse Itzler blazed the trail for me back in 2017.  For all of you Spanx fans, Jesse is Sara Blakely's husband. In 2017 I did a 90 day mental-physical endurance challenge coached by Jesse in a small group (there were 30 of us). The process, among countless other events and experiences since then, have changed my life. I am passionate about causing transformation in myself and others, and I am committed to paying it forward - what has taken me blood, sweat and tears to distill and effectively share. Everything I guide and coach is a culmination of my lived and learned experiences - including a lot of health challenges, career change, relationship, moving internationally, shift in identity along the way and more. Transformation as the result of purifying my heart and unlocking what's been locked away in my mind (and body, because our emotions are stored in our body).

How do you achieve what you want to within this time frame? 

Ultimately, you will become an unstoppable force unto yourself through yourself. You will learn to heal your body (words, thoughts, food, movement, spiritual health). You will learn strategic goal setting and using you body as a tool to make manifest what you want. You will have access to rigorous accountability, being coached through stuck points and breakthrough, and in having a community of like minds. To credit myself, I am unrelenting when it comes to goal achieving (and manifesting), and I know a thing or two about self healing the body mind and creating harmony and balance in the body, as I have self healed from long post concussion symptoms and post traumatic stress.

What You Get:

  • Immediate access to evergreen materials of all of the step by step resources and tools to coach you through the process. Available in a course portal (online studio), and also available in an App (handy for listening when you go on walks). You will have lifetime access to these evergreen materials, including anything I add or update over time. 
  • Weekly Q&A calls with the group led by me where you can share and bring your questions
  • shared group space where you can post (words, photos, videos, etc) and receive coaching and feedback. 

Price and Dates: 

  • Price: 1000 euros paid in full or 1300 euros across 4 months (monthly payments).
    • Paid in full this is appx. $1100 USD or $1500 CAD.
    • As four monthly payments this is appx. $1450 USD  ($363/month) or $1955 CAD ($489/month).
    • **USD and CAD is appx due to whatever the currency exchange is at the time you register.
  • Start Date: the week of October 7th
  • End Date: approximately 100 days from the start date (the second week of January 2025)
  • Can you stay in the community? Of course you can. After the 100 days, if you choose to join the Online Studio (movement, meditation and bi-weekly coaching calls), this is a monthly membership at 30 euros per month. You can join or unsubscribe and resubscribe at any time or as often as you wish. 

If you want to change something in your life,

or just heal your body and your mind, and gain a fresh perspective on how to think, eat, sleep, move, speak and self express, that will shift your identity so you become the version of you who can achieve your wants, and just feel better as a whole. JOIN ME. Get unstuck. Skyrocket to a new level. Feel calm, clear, at peace and excited about your life again! Happiness, at the core of it. 

Have questions? Email me: [email protected]

If you've read this far and really don't know who I am, jump here where I share a little more. 

Photo pictured above is a cozy image of Ralph Lauren's study. A place I, personally, would love to sit and think, write, and do the work I talk about in my 100 days that I will coach you through. What is your perfect spot? 

Not interested in joining 100 Days but still want to follow my writing journey across this time? Come back here everyday. You are absolutely welcome. 

Do you want to change your body, mind and life in the next 100 Days?Ā ApplyĀ here andĀ you will be sent a link to purchase, at which point you will receive instant access to all evergreen materials and the group.

Apply To Join 100 Days