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Are You Wishing For It More Than Working For It?

Sep 03, 2024

Dreams are great but they remain dead until you put them into motion. Let me remind you that you don't need all of the answers or even skills up front to bring your dream and vision into reality. All you need to do is want it, know it's possible, and keep showing up to do the work and take the next step. When you're doing the work, the next step tends to reveal itself. 

One of the benefits to being a clean, clear channel in body and mind to receive messages from God, Source, the Universe, is being guided. Inner guidance and guidance from our higher self is incredibly powerful because what's in your heart on the inside (an actual divine pattern of sacred geometry) is constantly trying to express on the outside; self expression in every form: your visual, audible and energetic representation, and all of the things you create and generate. You, your life, your work, everything you share and how you be, it's all an expression of your insides on the outside. You truly are art. 

One of the pieces of guidance I received in May of 2023 was a God given vision: this studio, online and in St. Barth. Part of making this vision a reality took so many things. It took transforming myself and it has taken more than I imagined or could conceptualize on paper - as someone with a well researched, methodical and strategic mind who is humble, surrendered and constantly in action executing. By trade in education and experience I was an equity trader, business management consultant and coach who, a few years prior, had previously shifted into coaching brain health, concussion and post traumatic stress, as the result of me self healing (my whole body, brain, mind and quite honestly, soul) from a life threatening accident. To summarize: it was a whole body healing experience and reprogramming of my dna that I'd done (and continue to do). I'd shifted from the category of business to health and wellness a few years prior to this vision dropping in.

A huge piece to actualizing the vision has everything to do with movement, meditation and my thought process, among other things. Fortunately these requirements were already well practised and educated states of being when this vision dropped in because they've been lifetime interests and things I'd instinctively been doing in this state of self healing post accident. I guess you could say these are favorite hobbies, obsessions and pastimes that have caught up to me - and that I finally get to share in a formal, structured and more impactful and intentional way - to change lives, because I know the value and the impact they've provided me with. It's all a ripple effect, and I want you to feel your best, too. 

Back to working for it more than wishing for it, and this vision requiring me to do the work, and honestly - enough about me! Although I will keep touching on me as an example. As part of this vision, I've needed to renew my France residency, which has required more of me that I initially envisioned. I'm sharing this example because this is what I've been doing the past several weeks while in mainland France, St.Tropez; and yes I've been here before, but not in the same context. Everyone's path to residency depending on the nature and context of who you are, what you want and your business will be different - and I'm not going to get into specifics aside from saying that the process requires a lot (in my case) that has been mentally, emotionally, physically and financially taking. But the exchange, in give and take, outweighs the input. That's the point with what we do, isn't it? An exchange of energy and results that satisfy our needs and wants? This is why giving AND receiving is so important! It's a circle and a cycle and when the loop is left open, the energy is incomplete.   

At the risk of making this a hugely long blog post, I simply want to remind you that what you want is possible. No dream is too far off. There's always a solution, and if and when you run into roadblocks, because you will, know that you will always have what you need in the moment to get through it and solve it - if whatever it is matters to you enough. In my case, this vision - which has transformed itself over time, does mean a lot, and so I'm willing to show up and do the work to keep pouring life into it, to keep sharing it with the rest of the world. It's my pattern of the heart creatively expressing on the outside. Remember what I shared at the start of this post? We all have patterns that are trying to express should we acknowledge them and let them be seen. Do you let yourself be seen or do you water yourself down? Are you afraid of being judged? Your the most magnetic (and healthy) when you're being who you really are. 

Back to the work and working for what you want instead of wishing time away. Ask yourself today: are you willing to do the work? Will you get honest with yourself? Can you be vulnerable and willing to look like a beginner or a failure until you get closer to getting whatever it is right? There's a multitude of pain in life, and I say the pain of trying and stumbling on the way to actualizing is much less painful than the pain of staying stagnant and stuck. 

If you want to get unstuck - from whatever it is, join me in 100 Days. You will learn how to heal your body, think differently, break free of what's holding you back, and bring a goal to fruition in an effortless way. Learn more here where I share details, and ask me anything. 

I'm writing this today feeling both exhausted and proud of myself for never giving up even in the darkest of times. I'm also proud of myself for the ability to focus on what I want, even when the want slightly changes. It's okay to shift the plan, and the plan is just framework not a life sentence. It all comes back to knowing who we are and what we want, and adjusting along the way. We change, we grow, it's life.

Not joining me in 100 Days? Join me in the online studio to move and meditate with me. This alone will bring you back into your body and have you start to remember who you are and when you remember who you are, you show up differently. It's pure magic, and it's healthy - which should be reason enough to want to change if even in this small (but truly big) way. 

Do you want to change your body, mind and life in the next 100 Days?Ā ApplyĀ here andĀ you will be sent a link to purchase, at which point you will receive instant access to all evergreen materials and the group.

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