Some Things You Just Want To Keep To Yourself Sep 04, 2024

Topic du jour: a private life, and for the love of it. I've always been a private person. Not intentionally, it's just who I am. I listen more than I talk. I respond to questions. And, it's just not my nature to share everything that's in my mind, on my heart or what I'm doing. I say this, and I have shared my food for thought stream of consciousness publicly near daily on and off since 2017. I share what I believe will make the biggest difference for you, if whatever it is making a material...

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Are You Wishing For It More Than Working For It? Sep 03, 2024

Dreams are great but they remain dead until you put them into motion. Let me remind you that you don't need all of the answers or even skills up front to bring your dream and vision into reality. All you need to do is want it, know it's possible, and keep showing up to do the work and take the next step. When you're doing the work, the next step tends to reveal itself. 

One of the benefits to being a clean, clear channel in body and mind to receive messages from God, Source, the...

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Inflammation: Brain, Face, Body Sep 02, 2024

This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart because I still live with long post concussion symptoms from a car accident I had at the beginning of 2018. My concussion isn't the focus of this blog post, inflammation is the focus. The real point of this share is talking about one of the most incredible facials I've had in my life while in St Tropez this summer. 

Back to concussion and inflammation talk for a few minutes to paint a bit of context. When you endure a concussion you...

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What Low-Grade Chaos Is Costing You Sep 01, 2024

It wasn't until I was in therapy in 2014 that I learned that an environment of chaos or drama could technically be soothing. Anything can be soothing if we're used to it: a relationship in which there is a trauma bond or in which you're used to having to be perfect to be loved, or that being treated poorly is what feels comforting because it's a familiarity from childhood. This could also be a work environment in which you are made to feel that being treated secondary is the cost of...

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Social Media Chat Aug 31, 2024

First off, I want to say that I do really value social media for a multitude of reasons. I've made exceptional friendships via social media, I've found solutions to various things that have changed my life, my work has grown as the result of it (reaching community and clients near and far) and the list goes on. I do love social media. For me, social media is a positive experience. Having said this, for a long time, I've wanted to spend significantly less time on social media - which is...

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The Ripple Effect Of Your Sleep Aug 30, 2024

Well, well, well. Haven't we ALL been there. For me, it seems like Tuesday is the night of not great sleep lately and Wednesday is the ultra emotional day due to a lack of sleep. I'm not calling this pattern for the foreseeable future, but it's been a bit of a theme the past few weeks. Sleep aside, this summer has been emotionally expensive for a lot of people. By emotionally expensive I know you know what I mean - it's taken a lot out of us. That said, without being able to feel, experience...

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Satiety: Why It's So Important Aug 29, 2024

What was going to be a simple blog post about the most incredible cacao I've ever had, has undoubtedly turned into something more intense but still light hearted and to the point which is the vibe around here. 

Topic du jour: quality and satiation, as it pertains to a number of realms. 

I quit drinking coffee 5 weeks ago and started up with cacao in the morning, made with whole milk. I've gone off of coffee before (I'll save this for a completely different blog post), but the time...

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Why You Need To Start Before You're Ready Aug 28, 2024

This post is going to be short, sweet and impactful. Theme: done is better than perfect and start before you think you need to.

No matter what it is and how well you execute on something, you are more than likely going to have to or want to go back and revise whatever the thing or project is. There will be things you didn't know before starting, and you will guaranteed learn more along the way that has you wish to add or subtract from whatever the thing or project is (your life!). The main...

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100 Days Aug 27, 2024

How all good things happen, so has this. I was going to down a gratitude rabbit hole today thinking back to 10 years ago. I decided in August of 2014 that I wanted my work to be location independent. I actually decided this in 2010 but didn't act upon it until much later. Jenny Sansouci of the blog Healthy Crush was the one who really inspired me to just write. I had a blog up until I changed a few things in my life and business in 2023 at which point I started a fresh. Tim Ferriss was the...

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