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Satiety: Why It's So Important

Aug 29, 2024

What was going to be a simple blog post about the most incredible cacao I've ever had, has undoubtedly turned into something more intense but still light hearted and to the point which is the vibe around here. 

Topic du jour: quality and satiation, as it pertains to a number of realms. 

I quit drinking coffee 5 weeks ago and started up with cacao in the morning, made with whole milk. I've gone off of coffee before (I'll save this for a completely different blog post), but the time was right and I feel a world better not being on it. I love the taste of coffee, but honestly, coffee's a drug... I'm just going to call it like it is and leave that there. I love coffee, it's a ritual, and one cup a day is fine, but caffeine as a whole, is not the best for everyone, especially those who live with compromised body systems and in my case, long post concussion symptoms. Even if these concussion symptoms are 5%, the 5% being compromised in a non-ideal way can backfire. Back to the cacao. What I was initially drinking was a quality blend of cacao and maca pre-blended with a bit of coconut sugar to sweeten. It was delicious. It tasted like candy. And, consequently I literally could have had 6 of these in a day. They were delicious, but not nutrient dense or satiating. 

Satiety in all shapes and forms - matters. Satiety can be defined as, a desire that is made satisfied.

Satiety is the principal I teach in all of my coaching because this way of being with food - particularly, my brain, mood, energy levels and the shape of my body (and relationship with my body) have been dramatically different for the positive since living by this principal, essentially since 2018.

Satiety, a desire satisfied, can be applied to all areas of life. And thus I would love to ask you the question: where in your life are you settling? Where in your life are you bellying up to the alternative to what you want when what you want is the only thing that is actually going to satisfy your desire? I ask this because, the desires of your heart are real, and the more you deny the desires of your heart, the more you deny what you're able to receive. It's that simple. You have to be honest about what you want in order to receive whatever it is including support from God, the Universe, other humans - and the will and motivation in yourself to bring whatever it is to life (reality). 

I could go on and on and on and on and on about satiety regarding food, energy, psychology and so forth, but not here right now. This is the cacao that I speak of. It's ultra nutrient dense and highly satiating. I can barely make it through one cup, but I do - and I'm someone who drinks FAST. This particular elixr is perfect and thick, it's creamy to sip (made with whole milk), and it just ticks the boxes. I love the cacao x lion's mane blend and also love the one with rose petals. I haven't tried the reishi but I'll definitely order it. Apparently it doesn't ship to North America or Australia which is so sad! This cacao hails from the Netherlands and I'm in mainland France right now which is how I have my hands on it. If there's enough interest, I'll consider wholesaling it just to be able to ship it to anyone in North America or Australia because I've had such a calming, focused and pleasant experience with it as part of my daily ritual. Let me know: [email protected] or comment on this blog post. 

Back to satiety. We, as humans, need to be satisfied. In order to be satisfied, as I mentioned above, we need to know what we want and be honest about what we want. This pertains to food, the people we share our time with and our life with, what we adorn our bodies with and so much more. 

Think about how you feel when you spend quality time with someone you love doing something that you love. You feel FULL, you feel joyous, there's something completely different that happens with your heart and your brain. There's no denying it. This very same state of harmony occurs when you allow yourself to be satiated in all other areas, of course including food. I circle back to food often, because food has the ability to create a world of ease, disease or stress for us - since food has everything to do with our mood, energy levels and how we feel in our body. There's no denying that when you feel better in your body, life's just easier. Easier in that when you feel good, you draw more of that good to you - and obviously you just are more clear in knowing what you want and taking action towards whatever the thing is. 

Veering off the path of food for a moment because I could go on forever; I love this topic, have mastered it and am passionate about sharing it and creating harmony, empowerment and breakthrough for others. Let's chat quality and routine around skincare, lessons in trial. I've had a dialed skincare routine for a long time as I'm someone who has had my fair share of adult acne. It's been a long time that I've had quite good skin and so last fall I decided to REALLY dial things back in my skincare regime and minimize the quantity of my products to really simplify things. I also totally nixed professional facials and botox. Keep in mind everyone's skin is different. My skin is oily leaning dehydrated at times and is acne prone.

In simplifying my skincare routine while keeping some of my hero products (and eliminating others) I find myself a year later definitely noticing what I've eliminated - keeping in mind I've spent A LOT of time in the sun this past year, not always wearing a hat, and mostly wearing sunscreen but not always. What I've noticed in tandem with what I've eliminated plus new habits, aka way more sun exposure which I love and am not going to change because it's joy and therapy for me, is that I do need to add a product or two back into my skincare routine if I want to plump my face back up. Product being: a good moisturizer and possibly a bit more hydrating of a serum with exosomes (I'm considering). I say this after having a facial for the first time since last October, and it was quite life-changing to have the congestion in my skin professionally dealt with. I'll need another round, and ideally more - but I won't be in this area longer than a week (of course I'll be back, just not until next season). If you want the BEST facialist in St Tropez contact details comment below and I will hook you up. She's the best. I also have the best dog groomer in the area too. Both St Tropez and Gassin (I love Gassin). Back to quality. Some things you just can't eliminate or compromise because you'll notice and FEEL the difference, and feeling is important. Quality doesn't need to equal a big price tag. There are so many products that I use that are pharmacy and small batch handmade artisan that are incredibly reasonable in price, and then there are those few products where the compromise (satiety factor) can't be denied. In this case, it literally showed up on my face 😊. Skin and body care is something I also cover in my coaching, since its part of whole body healing and played a big role in my post traumatic stress recovery, which is something I hadn't saw coming. 

Quality and that desire-satisfied factor? Same thing with fabric. I'm not even talking clothing, but yes I'm absolutely talking the fabric that touches your body each day. Cashmere, linen, pima cotton and silks vs polyester or acrylics (which are also horrible for the environment). My point: you know the difference by how it feels, just like you know the truth by how it feels in your body.

At this second in time I want to draw your attention to diving into a bed of the most crisp or cozy sheets, fluffy pillows and body-hugging duvet. I love linen as of the past few years, but equally love a cool, crisp hotel sheet or if in freezing temperatures, a jersey cotton wool. Back to the point: you feel and experience the difference immediately to touch, feel and how you are when you wake up based on your level of "desire met" with your bed, bedding and sleep needs. Why compromise? You know when you do the compromise becomes a ripple effect. 

 In closing, be it sheets, food, who you spend your time with or how you spend your time (quality), all I want you to think about today is: are you having your needs met? And if not, adjust. Life's too short for anything less and you are worthy of everything placed on your heart. 

Whether it is food or bringing to fruition the desires of your heart - since your body (and mind) IS your manifesting tool, reach out to me and I will coach and guide you through. Ask me anything: [email protected]. Sending you my best energy in this moment, Sloan

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