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The Ripple Effect Of Your Sleep

Aug 30, 2024

Well, well, well. Haven't we ALL been there. For me, it seems like Tuesday is the night of not great sleep lately and Wednesday is the ultra emotional day due to a lack of sleep. I'm not calling this pattern for the foreseeable future, but it's been a bit of a theme the past few weeks. Sleep aside, this summer has been emotionally expensive for a lot of people. By emotionally expensive I know you know what I mean - it's taken a lot out of us. That said, without being able to feel, experience and process a range and depth of emotions, life wouldn't be the same. In order to create, like literally create physical reality, we must be able to feel. In order to feel we have to be open and willing to access different shades and ranges of emotions.

Let's get back to the topic of sleep, and this will be a repeat topic because it's impossible to quantify in one post. In fact, I even had a podcast back in 2020 that was focused on sleep. The podcast wasn't a crazy amount of episodes, but there's a solid 3-4 on sleep itself, plus a handful of other core topics, mantras and themes that I live by that I shared in the episodes. I'll link the podcast here if you're curious. My voice is so different in tone, pitch and tempo. At the time it was recorded I was still in a depth of living with post traumatic stress, which very much shows up in our voice. Just ask Angelina Jolie, she's spoken on this before too. The podcast (of mine) was called Best Sleep Ever. Sleep and lucid dreaming is also one of the top modalities I teach in my coaching - around whole body healing from traumatic stress and separately, concussion recovery. 

Our system (body and mind) is so taxed when we don't sleep because it hasn't had the chance to repair. Sleep is very important for repairing our body and brain. There's an actual cleaning system and process our brain goes through in deep sleep and when we fail to have proper deep sleep, the proverbial and literal trash circulating in and around our brain doesn't get taken out - and then we are in this clouded, unclear, emotionally sensitive state. 

The equivalent of waking up from a deep sleep is almost akin to being high. Naturally high of course, and by high I mean in a state of bliss. When you're well rested you're better equipped to solve problems, you're calm, clear, responsive not reactive, you have more energy, your digestion and body systems are more on point, and everything's just easier - your vibration is different. Your body holds the keys to unlock your every desire, and it can also track unwanted emotions from this lifetime and countless lives back, that ideally - get to be accessed, processed and released, otherwise we act uncharacteristically in behaviour when these unprocessed emotions stored in our body (and vibratory state) bubble to the surface, particularly after a poor night's sleep.

When you don't sleep, your brain is less alert and your body systems are out of whack, having you feel bad and react. Just think about arriving off of a long haul flight (not having flown business or first where you can lay down), and you come off of this long haul flight sleepless after being crunched up in a chair. You're not at your best. You're grumpy and foggy. It doesn't take a crappy long haul flight to have us feel this way though. We can wake up this way after a poor night's sleep and the following day will become a ripple effect. No matter how superhuman you are and try to push through, and do push through, the day is just not the same. Not the same feeling, not the same results - because your body is in a completely different vibratory state. It's not functioning and emitting from a place of harmony and powerful creation. 

If you want to be a powerful creator in this lifetime (create your reality) you get to have a handle on your vibratory state - and sleep is accountable for a big portion of this both in our waking life and while we are actually asleep. The good news, if you have had a trash sleep - you can reclaim it. Something I guide and teach in Le Rêve Online Studio (the movement and meditation part of my business, aside from group coaching), is yoga nidra. Yoga nidra is a form of potent meditation done lying down that will put your body to sleep and awaken your mind. There's so much to this topic - that it will be a seperate blog post but until then, just know this short practise is highly reparative and restorative to the body and mind, and is a place of great refuge and creation that - in a short 30 minutes can create the equivalent to a 3 hour deep sleep in your body and mind. And obviously change your vibrational state. 

My point: when you've had a good sleep you are far more able to create positive outcomes in your life - yes, I'm stating the obvious. But I really don't think enough people take this seriously. Not everyone has a high quality of sleep, and thus don't have very high quality states of being in their bodymind while awake and doing life. The result: fractures and breakdowns - THAT HURT!

This past Wednesday was a NIGHTMARE for me. I say this, and it wasn't that bad comparatively to many things and days and experiences I've been through, it was just a tough day because I was low on sleep, my emotions were at the surface, I received news from a friend that got my emotions tangled, and the day just spiraled emotionally. I still executed on what I had planned to throughout the day - I just felt way worse, had significantly less energy, and had I felt better - the day would have gone way better, including the conversation/connection with my one friend. 

We aren't meant to have a perfect track record. It's not what life's about. But we also aren't made to be sleepless emotional rollercoasters either! Just think of the emotional peace and bliss that can be achieved with a good sleep...and the better results that are able to be created in life as a result. 

Again, the good news, if you DON'T have a great sleep and you're conscious enough to want to mitigate these peaks and valleys in your day and do your best to catch up on resting and repairing the bodymind and your body systems - head to the studio and catch a yoga nidra. The studio will open officially mid-September. I can't give you a specific date, as I'm waiting on a date from my developer. I really look forward to connecting with you there!

I also wanted to share what I had for breakfast today. It was not my norm. I'm moving out of one place and into the next right now before I fly. I'm in St Tropez for the summer and will head back to America for a beat and then back to St Barth where my primary residence is. Regarding breakfast, I don't like to waste food and I have ripe bananas so I made banana pancakes. One ripe banana, 2 eggs, sea salt, fried in butter and topped with butter, a ripe diced up peach to accompany, as I didn't have any maple syrup which I totally would have had with it, but - I don't have a full kitchen right now. This isn't my go to breakfast at all, but I wanted to feel full, satiated, and have energy and a clear mind this morning and this did the trick; fats, carbs, protein. 

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