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Social Media Chat

Aug 31, 2024

First off, I want to say that I do really value social media for a multitude of reasons. I've made exceptional friendships via social media, I've found solutions to various things that have changed my life, my work has grown as the result of it (reaching community and clients near and far) and the list goes on. I do love social media. For me, social media is a positive experience. Having said this, for a long time, I've wanted to spend significantly less time on social media - which is part of why I've brought my blog back to life. While writing and reading this blog is still an on-internet activity, and how I share the blog is electronically, it's still a little different than social media. What social media channel is your favorite? YouTube has always been mine. In a weird way I say YouTube has always been there for me, and I want to give back (and I will). Until then, I am loving being back in the state of authorship in writing in the form of this blog. 

For someone whose business is largely dependent on clients from wherever they are at in the world, not necessarily in my physical reality, one would think social media is crucial. And while it is, there are certain aspects that, in my opinion, aren't critical. It's all a decision, quite frankly. This blog post isn't about social media and business though so we won't get into the minutia of that topic, this post is more about social media and your thoughts, decisions and outcomes. Social media is a habit, it's an input that translates into output, similar to eating healthy whole foods or ingesting chemical laden foods. The effects can energize or deplete us, bring us calm clarity or absolute disdain, depression and confusion. 

As someone who is 95% recovered from long post concussion symptoms, I still do not do well being on screens for long periods of time. So even if I wanted to live on social media, it wouldn't be an option. Writing this blog, I'm a fast writer. It comes naturally to me. And, I don't go back to edit. What's done is done and I trust that my thoughts are pouring out of me cohesively; albeit I'm aware the grammar is not perfect. That said, done is better than perfect. What brought me back to writing was a call from God, and also a moment of giving thanks to someone who writes a blog and who in 2014 inspired me to be an online coach and creator - who wrote also writes blog. More on that here.

Back to you. I want to share this this Ted Talk with you. It's about quitting social media. While I'm not saying to quit social media, it's just an insightful 15 minute listen. A perspective shift now and then is a great thing. 

What you do you love most about social media? What do you dislike about social media? Do you have an intention with social media or has it just become a relatively aimless habit? I would love to know. Email me [email protected] or share in the comments. What I dislike the most about social media is that it has the ability to distort reality and spread misinformation like wildfire, not to mention hypnotize people into a state of not necessarily thinking for themself. 

One of the main things I wish to give you, in every single share whether it's a blog post, social media story, email, piece of coaching, or piece of movement or meditation content in the Online Studio, the wish - is to have you gain an incredible amount of clarity and confidence to think for yourself and execute on those thoughts. When you're thinking clearly and acting from a place of your own thoughts and heart, you're generally being led in the right direction because you're taking INTERNAL cues instead of taking action based on your emotional responses to EXTERNAL stimuli. 

So ask yourself: have you had the chance to self observe and see what accounts for the bulk of your decision making? Are you easily influenced? Do you take action based on love and doing things that expand you, or do you take actions our of fear and scarcity? We make countless decisions throughout the day every single day, it's a valuable thing to be consciously aware of how and why we are making those decisions, because those decisions form, create and shape our life. 

Let me know if any of this landed for you or made a difference for you in some big or small way. Another main point of writing this blog post today was to simply share this Ted Talk with you and also give you some food for thought.

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