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Why You Need To Start Before You're Ready

Aug 28, 2024

This post is going to be short, sweet and impactful. Theme: done is better than perfect and start before you think you need to.

No matter what it is and how well you execute on something, you are more than likely going to have to or want to go back and revise whatever the thing or project is. There will be things you didn't know before starting, and you will guaranteed learn more along the way that has you wish to add or subtract from whatever the thing or project is (your life!). The main thing: you are doing it.

Similar to creating and following a strategic plan, the framework to the plan, or the plan "in theory" is amazing to have. This is your vision in the format of a roadmap. And, as anyone who has ever endeavoured anything worthwhile knows, the plan can change at any given moment. Your job is simply to be adaptable and flexible and work with what you have; to be resourceful, create solutions, pivot and keep going.

The amount of times I wish I started something and then did not because I thought I was behind, or because of the amount of time it would take to create or do or become something, or because someone else was already doing whatever it was, or the fear or judgement (and the list goes on) - is WILD. Looking back, done is better than perfect and not over-thinking IS the ticket. Of course thinking things through with meaning, intention, significance and some framework is required, but honestly, just execute!

Firstly, if any of us waited until we were ready, we would be waiting forever. Ready is a choice. On starting before you need to, this applies to SO many areas of life. Whether you are creating something digitally or a physical product, whether you are doing something that requires travel or administration (especially internationally around business and immigration), there are always going to be pieces to the puzzle that you didn't know about because gasp, not everything is on the internet. 

Anything that requires a third party to execute, implement, create or launch, the third party has its own timeline. Different company, organization or country? Everyone has their own policies, wait times, pipelines, holidays and so forth. Think you aren't going to be waiting in line? Think again. Even though much of what we wish to produce can be done fairly instantly, not everything can and even if it does - you'll run into snags that cost you time, usually for your higher good. Overplanning, delays and procrastination (especially around perfectionism and fear of judgement) is a control mechanism you may be unknowingly protecting yourself with and is a wound that many get to heal. I've been there. Some of my favorite people and the most impactful people who I have learned from, who have changed my life - have not been the most well branded people, but the information they have shared has been the best. Do I appreciate curation? Yes of course, but isn't the information the most important thing? If we are talking about a deliverable like a piece of clothing or a product (food, skincare, etc), it is a bit of a different story. My point: your delivery doesn't have to be perfect to make a big impact in a positive way.

You've now left shore and are courageously embarking upon your journey and you've run unto delay. This is actually good news. Some of these wait times, delays or detours, will usually unlock even more gold for you - although it may not seem like it in the moment. I'm speaking about so many things I've had delayed timelines with or detours around in my life. Some include consumer products. Some include digital products, like the App I'm launching (movement and meditation). For example, with the App, I soft-launched a bit prematurely only to find a different framework that would far better suit the community and in going this route, I'm in a cue. I soft-launched, and immediately thereafter found a significantly better framework and solution. Will the extra month or two wait be worth it? Absolutely, but I've had to eat my words in starting before I'm ready and done is better than perfect. It's all okay. Human moments are part of life.

What else comes to mind that I can refer to as an example includes different tasks I've embarked upon in life, but at recent and more specifically around French administration regarding my residency in St Barth (and France). Just because you're timely and organized you think everything will be smooth and roll out on your predicted timeline? Think again. Being organized and timely is the baseline. Which, brings me to another valuable point: showing up in excellence no matter what.

The baseline in our present-day culture demands a standard of excellence. I say this, and I'm not a Type A person by any means and I'm very relaxed (yet rigorous). Of course there are human moments and we get to act with grace and compassion towards ourselves and others and excellence is the standard. Excellence is also quite easy to achieve when you realize that excellence is not perfection, it's just you, being yourself, fully and completely, authentically living your truth, curating your life, experiences and self to share with the world, serve and contribute. 

So today, ask yourself: are you showing up in excellence in terms of being exactly who you are? And if not, what's stopping you? What can you start today with what you have and start living out your vision? Think about it and do the thing. Be who you really are. It's beautiful, powerful and healing to yourself and the rest of the world. 

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